Top 10 Ways to Destroy your Life using the Law of Repulsion=-)

Think about your past constantly.

Obsess about how you could have done things differently.

Tip of Glacier

Spend all day dreaming about your future.

Criticize and complain about your life.

Judge everyone.

Wish you could have someone else’s life.

 Believe that everything is someone else’s fault. Think you can get a new life by doing the same thing you have always done.

Blame your parents for your current life.

Wallow in self-pity for what God (or whomever) has done to you.

Laverty Life Links: Consider if you knowingly or unknowingly do any of these items which are truly self-abandoning and simply become aware of it when you do..and notice how you feel.

PS It was kind of funny bc i was looking at all of my pictures and images on file, and I don’t have anything to add to this blog…and I didn’t really want to add a picture to represent this bc often pictures are more viscerally impactful than words, so I wouldn’t want to add that to your consciousness nor mine!!!!  The iceberg represents many things to me and one of them is how something can appear small and almost innocuous on the surface, but deep down it is large and ominous…and that is how I think of some of these law of repulsion habits.  I did class on this topic and one of my participants didn’t want to take this document home bc it was too negative–now that is someone who doesn’t let this stuff into her space=-)